The interview


Şeyma Nur Çevik, Turkey


What is your profession:

I’m a physiotherapist

How is the rehabilitation treatment of spine diseases managed in your country?

Schroth treatment is performed during the rehabilitation process of spinal diseases in our country after a multifaceted clinical evaluation (at least in our clinic). But elsewhere, opening-stretching and strengthening exercises are also given only for scoliosis.

Scoliosis: how is it treated?

I think scoliosis can be treated after a person is evaluated in many ways, the exercises and breathing techniques that are appropriate for him are determined and they are applied as a whole. For scolioses that do not improve or have a high degree, we recommend surgery.

What would you like to improve on the clinical practice currently followed in your country? 

At the end of this course, I think I will learn the scales I use in clinical evaluation, the angle measurements with new applications, what I can apply differently to different people, how I can be effective for scoliosis patients from all age groups.

I think scoliosis rehabilitation is still lacking in my country, some places do Schroth Bspts practices, but not many. Besides, there are only those who practice exercises. I want to find the common beneficial things of all of them and apply for a combined treatment program.

What can the Scoliosis Online Master Course PPSCT give you and how do you think you can apply this knowledge in your daily clinical practice?

This course can offer me different perspectives on scoliosis, evaluation techniques, exercise diversification, and diverse perspectives in terms of what we know is right and wrong.




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